All materials should be returned to the library from which you used to check out your materials.
Please note:
If you use our Inter Library Loan service, please return the materials to the library that processed your Inter-Library Loan request. In this case, you may notice an "In Transit" status, on your online account, when waiting on your items to arrive to the borrowing library. Also, these items will continue to appear on your library record after you return them to the borrowing library, as well as during their transit back to owning library. However, you will not accrue any fines beyond the date of their return to the borrowing library.
You can use the library catalog to access your own library account, which enables you to view the materials you have checked out of any NCCC Evergreen library and their due dates, plus other information. To investigate this service visit the Isothermal Community College Library home page.
When returning library materials to the college library during open hours, be sure to place the materials in the slot in the front of the Circulation Desk rather than leaving them on top of the counter to avoid the chance that another person might carry off an item still checked out to you, which could cause you to accumulate undeserved overdue fines or lost item fees.
A materials drop located outside the front entrance allows material to be returned when the library is closed. Items returned in the drop box are checked in the following morning and counted as having been returned during the previous business day.
Please Note:
Materials borrowed through the Interlibrary Loan service should be returned only to the library which arranged the loan, on or before the date due.
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