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Information Services: Interlibrary Loan

Brief overview of the services the library have available for students, faculty, and staff.

Interlibrary Loan Service

Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service through which library patrons may borrow material from distant libraries through their local library. This service is usually requested when a student or faculty member needs a specific title or other material which is unavailable in local libraries. Normally, there is no fee charged for this service, unless the loaning library requires a fee for photocopying, for example. Materials are picked up and returned to the library where the ILL request was submitted. The estimated time of arrival of requested materials varies from a few days to a couple of weeks; keep this time limitation in mind when placing ILL requests. 

Borrowing Materials within CCLINC

Isothermal's library is part of the North Carolina Community College Evergreen (NCCCE) consortium. If Isothermal does not own or have access to a book or audiovisual that would like to borrow you can check to the catalog to see if any other NCCCE library owns that item. Just expand your catalog search from "Isothermal Community College Library" to "North Carolina Community College Evergreen."

NCCCE loan requests are made by placing a "hold" on the desired item. To do this, you need your library card number and PIN. If you need a PIN set up, just contact the library in person, by email, or by phone (828-395-1307). The library staff can also place holds on your behalf. The requested items are shipped to Isothermal Library where you will check them out and return them.


If the material you desire is not available through NCCCE, the library staff can request materials from other libraries from all across the nation. Just fill out the request form and we'll do the rest!

If You Need It Longer: Requesting Renewal

If you need material for longer than the due date, contact the library, at least three days in advance of the due date, at 828-395-1307, or by email,

We will contact the lending library for permission to renew, and will contact you with the update.

Interlibrary Loan Request Form

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