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Information Services: Library Services

Brief overview of the services the library have available for students, faculty, and staff.

Library Services

The College Library offers services to all members of the College community. Our first priority is the Isothermal student and the college faculty. However, the general public is welcome to visit the library, browse the collections, and use available library facilities and equipment.

Library Instruction

Instruction is included in the freshman course College Transfer Success (ACA 122) to introduce students to information literacy.

Library instruction will be provided in any curriculum courses at faculty request. Instruction will be provided in the classroom, or scheduled for the Arts & Sciences lab located in the library as preferred, subject to scheduling limitations.

La Comunidad Hispana

Reference Assistance

Library professionals are available at the library during most hours of operation to help students or others learn to access the various library sources and services available to locate information.

Occasionally, library staff receive requests for information that cannot be answered using the library's sources and may refer students to other libraries or organizations within the area, or suggest the use of Interlibrary Loan to acquire the requested information.

Whatever the information need, library staff members welcome the opportunity to assist patrons in using library services, sources and equipment.

Reserved Materials

Instructors sometimes place items "on Reserve" at the Library Circulation Desk to allow all students in a class to have access to specially selected materials and/or limited numbers of instructional items, which may include the instructor’s own personal items.

Each instructor determines the lending period for Reserve materials. For instance, some Reserve items may be signed out for use within the library only; others may circulate for one or more days.

Since it is very important that Reserve materials be returned on time, a fine of $1.00 per day per item is charged for overdue reserve items.

Services and Access for Physically-Challenged

The library building has a wheelchair-accessible entrance/exit and a wheelchair-accessible restroom adjacent to the reference area carrels. Computer terminals with Internet access, word processing and other capabilities are accessible to persons in wheelchairs, and headphones are available to those who require use of audio.

Disability Services has provided an Aladdin Rainbow closed-circuit television system for the visually impaired, and a PC with Dragon Naturally Speaking speech recognition software to allow students with limited manual dexterity to use the PC with voice commands, both accessible in the study area adjacent to the Periodicals Room.

Please inquire at the Circulation Desk; library staff will be glad to assist you in the use of any library equipment.

See Directions to the Library for information on physically-challenged access to the library.

Helpful Information

Chat with a librarian.

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Operated by ChatStaff and LibraryH3lp,
24/7 except federal holidays.

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