When an item you wish to check out is checked out to someone else, you may ask library staff to place a Request on it. Then a notice with your name and phone number is printed out when the item is checked in at the library to alert the library staff to hold the item and call to inform you that the item is available for check out.
You can use the library catalog to access your own library account, which enables you to view the materials you have checked out of any NCCC Evergreen library and their due dates, plus other information. To investigate this service visit the Isothermal Community College Library home page.
Library materials can be checked out to a person who does not have their library card with them; however, the person must present a picture ID to confirm their identity.
Library Card
You must have an Isothermal Community College Library or an affiliated NCCC Evergreen card before you can check out material from any Consortium library. See Library Cards.
Circulation Periods
The chart below shows information regarding types of circulating library materials at the college library, the number of each type of item that can be checked out by a person at one time, and the loan period and number of renewals allowed for each type. Inquire at the Circulation Desk for information regarding circulation policies for books in specific collections such as those on Reserve.
Come by or contact the Library, or use your library account via the library catalog, to renew items you want to keep longer. The chart below shows renewal periods for various material formats.
Type of Material | Item Limit | Loan Period | Renewal Limit |
Book | 8 | 30 days | 1 |
CDs | 8 | 7 days | 1 |
DVDs | 4 | 7 days | 1 |
Reserves | 2 | varies | no renewals |
Reference | non-circulating | in-house use only | in-house use only |
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