Fines are charged for overdue library materials to encourage library users to return them on time. Fines and fees accrued at one CMC library may be paid in cash only at another CMC library.
Overdue fines and blocks can be avoided by returning library materials on time, and avoiding situations such as checking out library materials for another person or letting someone borrow your library card.
If overdue materials are not returned before the end of the current semester, or if a student owes library fines for $10.00 or more, the responsible student may be blocked from:
--until the student resolves the situation with the library.
Avoid these problems by returning library materials on time.
The following table lists overdue fines according to type of material. A “business day” is defined as any day that the library is open.
“Anyone willfully involved in the theft, defacement or destruction of college library books, periodicals, newspapers, etc. is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor if the value of the items is less than $50.00; and will be punished as a Class H felon if the value is over $50.00."
—General Statutes of North Carolina, Chapter 14-398
If your library card or library materials borrowed on your card have been lost or stolen, please notify the library staff ASAP to protect your account!
Chat with a librarian.
Operated by ChatStaff and LibraryH3lp,
24/7 except federal holidays.
You can use the library catalog to access your own library account, which enables you to view the materials you have checked out of any NCCC Evergreen library and their due dates, plus other information. To investigate this service visit the Isothermal Community College Library home page.