The Republic of France, known as France, is the largest country in Western Europe. The area is 210,026 square miles (543,965 square kilometers) with a population of 64,641,000. (Encyclopedia Britannica 1994-2017). The flag of France has three vertical color bands of blue, white, and red known as the “Le drepeau tricolore (French Tricolor). The blue and red colors represents Paris and the white represent the Bourbon Dynasty. (Rothstein et al. 2015) The capital of France is Paris. The official language is French. Christianity, predominantly Roman Catholicism, is the most practiced religion followed by Protestantism, Islam, and Judaism. France’s scenery varies with extensive plains, rivers, and mountain ranges with a temperate climate of pleasant summers and cool winters. Atlantic, mediterranean, continental, and alpine are France’s four regional climates due to the country’s size and location. (Encyclopedia Britannica 1994 – 2017; Rothstein et al. 2015).
France is the world’s fourth largest economy and one of the most developed countries with strong agricultural, manufacturing, and service sectors. Economic issues France experiences are slow growth due to over-regulation, including labor laws, high unemployment rate, and decline of traditional industries such as iron, steel, metallurgy, and textiles (Rothstein et al. 2015; DK Publishing 2011).
France’s government is a democracy that operates on a mixed presidential system. The president serves as head of state but assign a substantial amount of authority to a prime minister and cabinet. Presidents are elected by popular vote and serves a five-year term. Duties of the president are serving as commander-in-chief of armed forces and appointing officials such as judges and senior civil servants. (Rothstein et al. 2015).
France’s parliament is made up of the National Assembly and the Senate who is responsible for all legislation. National Assembly members (or deputies) are elected for five-year terms by popular vote in their individual districts. Senators serve a nine-year term and are elected by local administrative units known as departments by an electoral college. (Rothstein et al. 2015)
France’s judicial system is based on Roman law. Types of courts the system have are civil courts, criminal courts, The Assize Court, and the Supreme Court of Appeal. (Rothstein et al. 2015).
Chronology History (DK Publishing 2011)
DK Publishing. "France." Financial Times World Desk Reference, Dorling Kindersley Publishing Inc., 2011. Accessed 20 June 2024.
Encyclopedia Britannica. "France." Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, Britannica Digital Learning, 1994-2017. Accessed 20 June 2024.
Philip's Encyclopedia. "France." Philip's Encyclopedia, Philip's, 2007. Accessed 20 June 2024.
Rothstein, Lisa, et al. "France." Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Western Europe, Salem Press, 2015. Accessed 20 June 2024.
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Kovarik, Patrick. "French Fans Wave France's National Flags Before the UEFA Euro 2012." Getty's Images, 11 October 2011,
"15th-16th Arrondissement. The "Tour Eiffel" (Eiffel Tower) Viewed from the Pont Bir-Hakeim. (PAR176937)" Magnum Photos, 01 January 1999. ProQuest eLibrary,