I you are going to search for books by Subject, how can you know if they will be indexed under the common term, "heart attack," or the clinical term, "myocardial infarction"? Under "high blood pressure" or "hypertension"? By using the Library of Congress Subject Headings thesaurus.
Will help if you need some related terms to your main search term; use this database to find subject heading terms used in the library catalog.
Subject headings are a controlled vocabulary of subject terms, or "headings," that are used to take the guesswork out of subject searching by assigning a single term to describe a topic. For example books about the death penalty or a death sentence would be indexed under the subject heading "Capital punishment."
"Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) has been actively maintained since 1898 to catalog materials held at the Library of Congress. By virtue of cooperative cataloging other libraries around the United States also use LCSH to provide subject access to their collections. In addition LCSH is used internationally, often in translation. LCSH in this service includes all Library of Congress Subject Headings, free-floating subdivisions (topical and form), Genre/Form headings, Children's (AC) headings, and validation strings* for which authority records have been created. The content includes a few name headings (personal and corporate), such as William Shakespeare, Jesus Christ, and Harvard University, and geographic headings that are added to LCSH as they are needed to establish subdivisions, provide a pattern for subdivision practice, or provide reference structure for other terms. This content is expanded beyond the print issue of LCSH (the "red books") with inclusion of validation strings."
EBook collection for both academic and general interest.
Over 170,000 ebooks including scholarly titles supporting student and faculty research including Agriculture, Education, the Fine Arts, Geography, Anthropology, Recreation, History, Language and Literature, Law, Medicine, Military Science, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, Science, Social Sciences, and Technology; plus general nonfiction on topics such as school & studying, career development, arts & leisure, and practical life skills.
A combined collection of ebooks provided by both NC LIVE and Isothermal.
More than 200,000 titles, Subjects include art, religion, technology & engineering, philosophy, psychology, history, medicine, science, law & criminology, and sports.
Provides access the full text from over 60 of the most respected evidence-based-medicine eBook titles in a cross-searchable platform.
"STAT!Ref, the premier healthcare e-resource, enables users to intuitively cross-search full-text titles, journals and evidence-based point-of-care authoritative resources. With 600+ and growing resources within over 50 healthcare disciplines, STAT!Ref provides the latest healthcare information in a customizable and convenient format. STAT!Ref goes where you go, accessible by desktop, laptop and wireless or web-enabled mobile devices." Includes other tools such as Stedman's Medical Dictionary, MedCalc 3000, and links to external sources such as PubMed and TOXNET.
Offers trusted, concise and correct discussions of diagnosis and therapy. Content is updated monthly to keep current.
"We believe that health information is a universal right and that every person is entitled to accurate, accessible and usable medical information. And we believe that we have a responsibility to protect, preserve and share the best current medical information to enable more informed decisions, enhance relationships between patients and professionals, and improve health care outcomes around the world."
Salem Health includes the complete content of Salem's printed reference sets that are owned by Isothermal Community College Library.
Basic categories of information included in Salem Press databases include Literature, History, Science, Health and Careers; each of these contain information under a large number of subheadings.
MoodleMoodle is the College's learning management system (LMS). It hosts individual course websites used by instructors and students.
NC LIVENC LIVE is North Carolina’s statewide online library service. eBooks, magazines, newspapers, journals, media, and other online materials are available from any Internet connection via library websites. NC LIVE resources are available to all North Carolinians through their local public, community college, or academic library. Contact your local library for free access to NC LIVE resources. Login information for Isothermal students and employees is posted in Moodle.
Student/Employee LoginLog into your Isothermal account to access email, Patriot Port, Moodle, and your other college services.
Interlibrary LoanInformation about and form to request loans from other libraries facilitated by the Isothermal CCC Library.
A to Z Index of DatabasesA complete list of all databases offered by NC LIVE and the College Library.