Practice tests and self-paced courses for students & adult learners. ASVAB, DNAB CDA, GED, GRE, NCLEX, Praxis, PSB's HOAE, SAT, resume and cover letter writing and more.
Practice tests, interactive tutorials, and ebooks for students and adult learners. Includes practice tests such as DANB CDA, GED, GRE, NCLEX, Praxis, SAT, TEAS, and supports those looking to improve core academic skills, pass a high school equivalency test, prepare for college, join the military, obtain occupational certification, find a job, change careers, become a U.S. citizen and much more.
Trivium Test Prep’s unofficial Dental Assisting Exam Review 2020-2021: CDA Test Prep Study Guide and Practice Test Questions for the Certified Dental Assistant Exam you'll benefit from a quick but total review of everything tested on the exam with real examples, graphics, and information. Trivium Test Prep’s NEW Dental Assisting Exam Review 2020-2021 comes with FREE online resources, including: practice questions, online flashcards, study “cheat” sheets, and 35 tried and tested test tips. NOTE: This book is available in the library on reserve with a 7-day check out time frame.
Offers test-taking tips, diagnostic tests, review, and practice exams with answers and detailed explanations for all portions of the Nursing School & Allied Health Entrance Exams, including PSB's HOAE NOTE: This book is available as an ebook in the library collection.
This CDA study guide includes CDA practice test questions. Our CDA study guide contains easy-to-read essential summaries that highlight the key areas of the CDA test. Mometrix's CDA test study guide reviews the most important components of the CDA exam. NOTE: This book is available in the library on reserve with a 7-day check out time frame.
MoodleMoodle is the College's learning management system (LMS). It hosts individual course websites used by instructors and students.
NC LIVENC LIVE is North Carolina’s statewide online library service. eBooks, magazines, newspapers, journals, media, and other online materials are available from any Internet connection via library websites. NC LIVE resources are available to all North Carolinians through their local public, community college, or academic library. Contact your local library for free access to NC LIVE resources. Login information for Isothermal students and employees is posted in Moodle.
Student/Employee LoginLog into your Isothermal account to access email, Patriot Port, Moodle, and your other college services.
Interlibrary LoanInformation about and form to request loans from other libraries facilitated by the Isothermal CCC Library.
A to Z Index of DatabasesA complete list of all databases offered by NC LIVE and the College Library.