Provides access to literary works and authors. including full-text poems and poetry citations, as well as short stories, speeches, and plays.
"Provides access to a wealth of literary works and secondary-source materials covering world literature and authors throughout history. Including more than 150,000 full-text poems and over 800,000 poetry citations, as well as short stories, speeches, and plays. Researchers can easily target the information they are looking for through various refine search and results limiter options. Biographies, work summaries, photographs, and a glossary are also included. The easy-to-use search paths allow users to easily target the information they are looking for or to browse the database through various refine search and results limiter options." The database also includes secondary materials like biographies, images, and more.
Downloadable audio and ebooks on a variety of topics, including language learning, history, biography, classic literature, and more. Compatible with all popular e-readers. An app is available for download. Users will need to make a personal account to use this resource.
"Free public domain audiobooks, read by volunteers from around the world."
"LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain, and then we release the audio files back onto the net for free. All our audio is in the public domain, so you may use it for whatever purpose you wish. Please note: Our readers are free to choose the books they wish to record. LibriVox sees itself as a library of audiobooks. Because the books we read are in the public domain, our readers and listeners should be aware that many of them are very old, and may contain language or express notions that are antiquated at best, offending at worst."
"A website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such online books."
Full text poems from the early history of African American poetry, from the first recorded poem by an African American (Lucy Terry Prince's 'Bars Fight', c.1746) to the major poets of the nineteenth century, including Paul Laurence Dunbar and Frances Ellen Watkins Harper.
Find poems written from 1650-1920. Over 40,000 poems by more than 200 American poets from the Colonial Period to the early twentieth century. Includes Anne Bradstreet, Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allan Poe, Phillis Wheatley, Walt Whitman and Herman Melville.
Includes 62 of the most important African-American poets of the last century: Langston Hughes, Jean Toomer, Imamu Amiri Baraka, & more.
"A database of modern and contemporary African American poetry, featuring almost 9,000 poems by 62 of the most important African American poets of the last century, including Langston Hughes, Jean Toomer, Imamu Amiri Baraka, Audre Lorde and Rita Dove."
A database of modern and contemporary American poetry from the early twentieth century to the present.
"This unparalleled collection includes 50,000 poems drawn from 750 volumes by over 300 poets, including Adrienne Rich, Andrei Codrescu, Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, Denise Levertov, Wallace Stevens, Langston Hughes, Lucille Clifton, and Cathy Song."
MoodleMoodle is the College's learning management system (LMS). It hosts individual course websites used by instructors and students.
NC LIVENC LIVE is North Carolina’s statewide online library service. eBooks, magazines, newspapers, journals, media, and other online materials are available from any Internet connection via library websites. NC LIVE resources are available to all North Carolinians through their local public, community college, or academic library. Contact your local library for free access to NC LIVE resources. Login information for Isothermal students and employees is posted in Moodle.
Student/Employee LoginLog into your Isothermal account to access email, Patriot Port, Moodle, and your other college services.
Interlibrary LoanInformation about and form to request loans from other libraries facilitated by the Isothermal CCC Library.
A to Z Index of DatabasesA complete list of all databases offered by NC LIVE and the College Library.