To print a document from any of the College Library computers, proceed with the usual printing procedure for the program you are using. After you click “Print,”
1. A small screen will pop up. In the green line, type your initials or some identifying name, and click OK. This will send your print job to wait on the Print Station on the west side of the Library lobby.
2. When you are ready to pay for and retrieve your print job, go to the Print Station and look for your print job on the computer screen.
3. Assuming you find your print job, click on it to highlight it. The cost of printing your job will appear in the lower right corner of the screen. Put the amount in the coin slot or bill acceptor, then click the Print button next to the Refresh button. Your job will print out, and if you are owed any change, it will be refunded.
Printing Tip:
If you have more than one print job listed, you can select them all and pay for them all at once by highlighting the top one, holding down the Shift key, and clicking on the bottom one. All will be highlighted, and the price for them all will show on the bottom right of the screen.
Black & white prints, per page … 5¢
Color prints, per page ……….... 30¢
Two-sided prints count as two pages.
Printing in black is the default for the Library Printing System, which costs 5¢ per page..
If you want to print your job in color:
Remember that printing in color costs 30¢ per page.
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