The Gale Literary Index contains no full text; its purpose is to be used to search for the information on authors and titles contained in Gale publications. The results of a search will show you the Gale series, volumes and page numbers where the information you need is located. When you use the Index, be ready to copy all this information; then compare the Gale titles in your list to the list below, to see what resources are available for you to use in the College Library.
Isothermal Community College Library owns the following Gale publications that are included in the Literary Index:
Title of Gale Publication | Volumes | Call Number |
African-American Writers | 1 | Ref PS153 .N5 A344 1991 |
American Writers | 1-4 | Ref PS129 .A55 |
American Writers Supplement | 1-4, Retrospective suppl. | Ref PS129 .A55 SUPPL. |
Black Writers | 1 | Ref E185 .96 .B545 1989 |
British Writers | 1-8 | Ref PR85 .B688 |
British Writers Supplement | 1-5 | Ref PR85 .B688 Suppl. |
Contemporary American Dramatists | 1 | Ref PS352 .C65 1994 |
Contemporary British Dramatists | 1 | Ref PR736 .C577 1994 |
European Writers | 1-14 | Ref PN501 .E9 1983 |
Gay & Lesbian Literature | 1 | Ref PN56 .H57 G36 1994 |
Literature and Its Times | 1-5 | Ref PN50 .L574 1997 |
Modern American Women Writers | 1 | Ref PS151 .M54 1991 |
Novels for Students | 1-25 | Ref PN3385 .N68 |
Poetry for Students | 1-15 | Ref PN1101 .P576 1998 |
Short Stories for Students | 1-34 | Ref PN3373 .S3845 1997 |
World Literature and Its Times | 1-3 | Ref PN50 .W574 |
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